Each year, tensions run high at Kestrel HQ as the management team begin the grueling selection process to nominate the fastest, most furious Kestrel employees to zoom to glory in the annual Charity Go-Karting event. This particular race organised by our fantastic customer GDM Lindex, has become some...
Kestrel Liner Agencies are delighted to be selected as finalists for 2019’s Lloyd’s Loading List Global Freight Awards, in strong contention to win the ‘Project Forwarding Award’. The project saw the transportation of two large, delicate and highly valuable aircraft Cabin Emergency Evacuati...
https://www.carnivalcorporation.com/news-releases/news-release-details/carnival-corporation-and-tropical-shipping-expand-partnership Currently standing flood water persists on Abaco and almost half of Grand Bahama. NEMA - the Bahamas National Emergency Management Agency - conducted port site surv...