This story begins in 2006 when Kestrel was contacted by Walter Glass, acting as forwarder for a seating company who was supplying the stadium seats for the Caribbean Cricket World Cup. In 2010, during relief efforts for the Haitian earthquake, Kestrel supplied vessel charters to Samaritan Purse, a l...
Kestrel Liner are delighted to be announced as the agents for ARRC service from the UK and North Continent to Houston, New Orleans, Tampa and others sub inducement. If you have any questions or enquiries please do not hesitate to contact us on 01279 818888 or email us on
Another milestone for the Miami staff with Jackie Rizo reaching her 10 years with us. Jackie started with Kestrel from her University and has grown in her position in accounts payable. Since joining Kestrel, she has married, bought a home and had two children. Jackie shared that this was made possib...