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Kestrel Crufts 2020

Kestrel Crufts 2020

5 years ago

To celebrate the launch of this year’s Crufts, a handful of the Kestrel office team have taken the time to enter their prized pooch into our own take on the most prestigious Dog Show of the year.

The competition will kick off on social media and will allow the general public to vote for their favourite dog by liking the photo. The dog with the most likes by Sunday 8th March will be crowned the first ever “Kestrel Crufts 2020 Winner”, taking home a goodie bag of delightful doggy treats.

Take a look at our line up below…


The 2-year old Long-haired Chihuahua with a lot of love to give. Cute and cuddly, this bundle of fluff enjoys nothing more than snuggling up to his teddy bear and regularly insists on scheduled playdates with his best friend- a Pigmy Goat!


The lovely little 5-year old Frenchie with the face of an angel. But don’t let her looks of demure deceive you, her owners admit that in reality, Remy is absolutely as mad as a box of frogs!


At only 6 months old, Delta the darling Dalmatian is the youngest amongst our canine-competitors. All the way from her homeland in Trinidad, day-to-day you’ll find Delta embracing the Caribbean climate, kicking back and relaxing in her water bucket.


The handsome Golden Retriever with a passion for anything edible. At 8-years old, Manfred thoroughly enjoys life in the slow lane and enjoys a rather peculiar preferred pastime of being vacuumed- each to their own, Manfred!


Chester the Cocker Spaniel is a 1-year old wonder dog with a zest for life. High up on his list of enjoyable pastimes are the usual ‘Spaniel-esque’ activities such as swimming and eating. However, this charming chap is also partial to a spot of light reading, is a seasoned traveller and can recite a verse of ‘Happy Birthday’- good on you Chester!


A 2-year old pretty kitty! Yes, we’re bending the rules slightly, but Winter is most definitely worth it. Like other feline friends, this laid-back lady enjoys a good snooze, frequently spending her days catching up on her beauty sleep.


A loving Lurcher with a heart of gold. What he lacks in intelligence, he certainly makes up with in loyalty- buckets of it! He really is ‘man’s best friend’. Despite his strong, tough physique, the first glimpse of a little light drizzle is enough to make Buzz refuse to go on his daily walkies.


A real golden oldie, at 14 years old, Bella the beautiful Chihuahua X Shiatzu is admittedly a little bipolar. One moment she will be the most perfect, loving, adorable and playful little pup who will do almost anything for her doting owners. But, at the drop of a hat Bella may rapidly transform into a small, angry lioness… so watch your ankles!


The rather fetching, 7-year old working English Setter. When out in the field, this particular breed is recognised worldwide for their hard-working attitude and stamina. However, at home, like all English Setters, Patch is a ridiculously soppy pet who enjoys nothing more than stretching out over the entire sofa.


Well what is a Crufts competition without a Labrador? A 6-year old Lab to be precise, and what a gentleman he is- a real credit to the breed with his loving nature and trainable attitude. Red is a true people-pleaser and real allrounder.


Rescued from the streets of Romania, Walter has no defined breeding. He was rescued as a 3-month only puppy and brought to the UK to a dog’s home. Now, as a one year old, Walter has single handily (paw-ily) eaten most of his owner’s house! He created fond memories of his first Christmas at home, having discovered the children’s presents under the tree and ‘helping’ to unwrap them…

So, you’ve met the line up- now you just have to decide who your favourite dog (or cat) is, head over to our Facebook page and vote for your favourite candidate.