One of the key things that helps to drive our teams forward is our passion to help
and serve the communities local to us. We pride ourselves on open communication,
breaking down barriers in both community and industry, treating everyone with the
same values of quality of service and respect.
We feel it is vital to put back into the communities where we operate, this takes many
forms from larger formal organisations such as The Princes Trust, through to low key
direct action such as shipping clothing to children in Grenada, a life boat to Tortola,
play equipment to Bequia, and much needed aid in the aftermath of disasters.
Corporate Social Responsibility Latest News
Kestrel Shipping's Crucial Role in SVG Aid
Kestrel Shipping's Crucial Role in Hurricane Beryl Relief Efforts in St. Vincent and the Grenadines
In the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, the resilient people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines faced the daunting task of rebuilding their homes and communities. A monumental effort was required, not just in terms of resources, but in coordinating the logistics to bring aid to the islands. At the heart of this mission was Andy Thorne, CEO of Kestrel Shipping, whose company's vital contribution helped deliver over £5 million worth of supplies and equipment to aid in the reconstruction efforts.
Kestrel Shipping, renowned for its reliable and efficient services, became a lifeline during this critical time. Through the collaborative efforts of the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, philanthropist Ian Wace of the Gombolimbo Group, and Kestrel, the region was able to receive much-needed support, delivered on the Vertom Joy.
The collaborative spirit of this mission is captured in a powerful video documenting the arrival of the aid. Interviews with key figures, including Andy Thorne, Marlon Gibson (St. Vincent and the Grenadines Island Manager for Kestrel SVG), philanthropist Ian Wace, and the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph Gonsalves, highlight the collective determination to rebuild and recover.
Marlon Gibson, overseeing Kestrel's operations on the island, shared how the company’s swift response was instrumental in ensuring the timely arrival of critical supplies, while Ian Wace spoke of his philanthropic mission to assist in the rebuilding process. Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves expressed his deep appreciation for the partnership, emphasizing how essential these resources were in aiding recovery efforts and setting the stage for long-term resilience.
The arrival of this £5 million shipment marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to restore and uplift the Southern Grenadines, and underscores the power of collaboration for communities in need.
The Prince's Trust, founded in 1976, is one of the United Kingdom's
most successful funding organisations. We at Kestrel never fail to be
inspired by their ongoing efforts to uplift the younger generations.
In January 2017, we partnered with the Prince's Trust International, a new International arm
launched in 2015, to deliver their 'Get into Logistics' programme. The 'Get into' is an employability
scheme in Barbados with the aim of helping disadvantaged young people on the island gain vital
sector-specific skills. Our first wave of students on the 'Get into Logistics' programme all graduated
with flying colours.
Mark Davidian from Kestrel had the pleasure of giving the participants of
'Get into Logistics'
their graduation certificates.
He heard first-hand the benefits of the programme to the young people involved.
I was very honoured to attend the Prince's Trust International Event and to meet this first
wave of students – an inspiring group of enthusiastic, energetic young people looking to find
a start and hopefully building a career in logistics. As the future of their industry they
need to be given a chance. The benefits from this programme are already being realised in
Barbados and we look forward to seeing the programme expand across the Caribbean region.
Mark Davidian
One of the biggest success stories of the 'Get into Logistics' programme was our trainee Orian.
We were so impressed with her commitment and enthusiasm, we offered her a job in our offices in Barbados.
We're pleased to report that she accepted, saying:
Six weeks ago I knew nothing about shipping! In five weeks I have learnt so much. I am looking
forward to finding out so much more about the shipping and logistics industry. I am particularly
looking forward to seeing a product on the shelves in Barbados knowing that I played a part in
importing it.
We have also had the pleasure of working with the Prince's Trust International to sponsor their very
successful 'Get into Hospitality' programme. This is an intensive 12-week programme which supports
15 young people who are not yet ready to enter employment and works with them to develop not only
their confidence but also other key skills they will require through a residential week, community
project and work placements. This programme also boasts a high degree of success with helping young
people to find opportunities within the hospitality industry.
Here at Kestrel, we owe our success to the many different communities around the globe, so we are
proud to support those who support us. We remain aware of the many different issues that these
communities face, and are eager to help them however we can as it is part of the Mission Statement
that Kestrel is built upon.